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A Lesson On Being Good.

This is my remediation.

What stuck to me most from my repurposing, was the ending quote from the Health class (which was actually the only nonfictional portion of the repurposing).

"If you find yourself attracted to the same sex, don't worry. It'll pass eventually."


Now that needs to be processed.

I decided to remediate that single sentence into a children's book. I wanted to twist the classic children's book model into something satirical.

I realized oh too quickly that I am not artistic. (I knew this, who was I kidding?)

Regardless, I persevered (i.e. didn't have enough time to change.)

So I decided to adapt the drawing styles that were used in The Book Thief, hoping the crudely drawn minimalist sketches added a layer of eeriness and complete ridiculousness, which lead to A Lesson On Being Good, my remediation. Check it out below:

PLEASE READ: To read this, it's best to just zoom in on your internet browser (about 150%) and navigate with the arrows.


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